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Session 1 What is Digital Marketing 2
Difference between traditional marketing & digital marketing
Importance of digital marketing
Who can learn digital marketing course
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Session 2 Buying Domain & Hosting 2
Buying a Domain
Buying a Hosting
Integration of Domain with a Hosting
What is an IP
What is Name Servers
How to edit a MX Record
Session 3 Basics of Wordpress 2
Understanding the Wordpress Dashboard
Pages, Tags, Media & Content Management
Core Wordpress Settings
Menu Design
Session 4 Wordpress Plugins 2
What are the Plugins
Finding & Installing Plugins
Recommended Wordpress Plugins
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Session 5 Search Engine Algorithms 2
Why Search Engine Make Algorithm
Latest Google Algorithm and updates
Google Panda Algorithm
Google Penguin Algorithm
Google Hummingbird Algorithm
Google Rank Brain Algorithm
Google Mobile Friendly Update
Google Pigion Algorithm
Google Fred Algorithm
Google Possum Algorithm
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Session 6 Introduction to SEO 2
Introduction to SEO & Benefits
Types of SEO
Search Engine Crawler
Major Search Engines
Backlinks & its importance
Important Web Browser Extensions
Important SEO Tools
Domain Page Page Authority
Website Speed Load Time
Session 7 SEO On Page 2
Keywords Research & Analysis
LSI Technique
Initial Site Audits
Competitor Analysis
Keywords Density
Keywords Placement
keywords Stuffing
Session 8 SEO On Page 2
Anchor Text
Image Optimization
Outbound / Inbound Links
XML & HTML Sitemap
Page Mapping of Keywords
Title & Meta Tag Optimization
Session 9 SEO On Page 2
Site Structure Analysis
URL Renaming / Rewriting
Heading Tags H1, H2
Creating Fevicon
Content Optimization
Session 10 SEO On Page 2
Google Autocomplete
Google Dance
Paragraph & Tag Optimization
No Follow & Do Follow Links
Internal / External Links
Robots.txt file
Canonical Tag Optimization
Checking Keywords Ranking
Session 11 SEO On Page 2
404 Error Removal & Redirections
301 / 302 redirection
Header & Footer Optimization
Alexa Analytics
Schema (Google Structured Data)
Open Graph Tags
Session 12 SEO off Page 2
Search Engine Submission
Directory Submission
Social Bookmarking Submission
Blog Commenting
Session 13 SEO off Page 2
Video Submission
Web 2.0 Submission
Forum & Press Release
Free Classified Submissions
Session 14 SEO off Page 2
Article Submission
Image Submission PPT Submission
Logo Submission
Web 2.0 Submission
Session 15 SEO off Page 2
Address Verification
Question & Answering
Guest Posting
Google Business Reviews
Other Business Review
Session 16 Google Webmaster Tools 2
Brief Introduction
Benifits for website & app
Setup and verification website
Session 17 Google Analytical Tools 2
Brief Introduction
Benifits for website & app
Setup and verification website
Session 18 Reporting 2
SEO Reporting
Keyword Ranking Report
User Traffic Reporting
Session 19 Important Activity 2
Algorithm Penalty Recover
SEO audits
Local SEO
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Session 20 SEO Tools 2
SEM Rush
Screeming Frog
Session 21 SEO Tools 2
Similar Web
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Session 22 Content Marketing 2
What is Content marketing
Benifits of content marketing
Content Marketing Strategy
Why Businesses need Content Marketing
Content Marketing Precautions
Session 23 Content Marketing 2
Create Content
Optimizing the content for SEO
Manage social media
Create Unique & Sharable Content
Content Duplicay Checks
Keyword Based Content
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Session 24 Twitter Optimization 2
Introduction to Twitter
Twitter Profile
Followers, Following, Tweeting
Twitter Setting
How to Increase followers
Using # Tags
Building Buzz
Twitter Analytics
Finding Companies & people on Twitter
Session 25 LinkedIn Optimization 2
Introduction to LinkedIn
Profile Creation & Settings
Increasing Reach & Visibility
LinkedIn Groups
Creating Copnay Page
Increase Connection
Article Posting on LinkedIn
Posting, sharing and Job Search
Session 26 You Tube Optimization 2
YouTube Profile
Creating YouTube Channel
Uploading video & Optimization
Increase Video Views
Increase Subscribers
Video Social Sharing
Video Manager
Monetization of a Video
Using Ads inside Videos
Session 27 Facebook Optimization 2
Introduction to Facebook
Setting up Facebook & Privacy
Facebook Profile
Facebook Pages, Events & Groups
Group Pages V/S Fans Pages
Reach & Engagement
Facebook Apps
Advantages & Challenges
Session 28 Instagram Optimisation and Reporting 2
Facebook Insight Reporting
Twitter Insight Reporting
Linkedin Reporting
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Session 29 Adwords Fundamentals 2
What is Google Adwords
Adword Account Creation
Billing Methods
Types of Google Advertising
Difference between Search & Display Campaign
Account Structure in Adwords
Guidelines of Google Adwords
-ve Industry of Adwords
Types of Bidding
Budget Scheduling
Ad Scheduling
Session 30 Search Campaign 2
Types of Campaign
Search, Display, Shopping, Online Video Campaign
Location & Language Settings
Networds & Devices
What is CTR, Impression, CPC
Ad Extensions
Ad Delivery and Ad Rotation
Session 31 Adgroups & Keywords 2
AdGroup Structure
keyword Match Types
Broad Match
Phase Match
Exact Match
Negitive Match
Broad Match Modifier
Keywords Research Planner
Session 32 Optimization of Campaign 2
What is Ad Rank
Improve Ad Rank
What is Quality Score
Factors Improving QS
Reduce CPC
Relation between QS & CPC
Types of Bidding
Flexible Bidding Strategies
Customize & Optimize Bidding
Session 33 Ad Copy Format & Guideline 2
Structure of Ad Copy
Creating New Ad Copies
How to copy & paste ad copies
Types of Ad Position
Charactor Limits
Landing Page Quality
Guidelines for Ads Creation
How to improve QS of the Keywords
Session 34 Ad Extensions 2
Site Links
Reviews & Ratings
Call Extensions
Call out Extensions
Session 35 Other Ad Words Term 2
Filters & Segments
Colunm Customization
Search Terms
Auction Insights
Keywords Report
Automated Rules
Session 36 Tracking Conversion 2
What is Conversion
Types of Conversions
Implementing Conversion Tracking
Converstion Reports
Practical Case Studies
ROI Calculation
Thank You Page
Tracking Conversion by Thank you page
Session 37 Display & Mobile Campaign 2
Types of Display Campaign
Create a First Campaign
Difference between Search & Display Campaign
Concept of CPM Bid Strategy
Types of Targetting
Ad Formats for Display Networks
Display Ad Scheduling & Delivery
Display Planner Tool
Setting remarketing Campaign
Create Remarketing Lists
Dynamic Remarketing
Creating Mobile Apps Campaign
Mobile Ad Formats & Settings
Session 38 Video & Shopping Campaigns 2
Importance of Video Marketing
Creating a First Video Campaign
Creating ad group and Ads
Setting up videp campaign
You Tube Targeting Methods
Bidding Types
Types of You Tube Ads
Reporting & Analysis
Shopping Campaign Setup
Creating a shopping campaign ads
Google Merchant Center
Product Groups
Ad Formats
Reporting & Analysis
Session 39 AdWords Imp tool 2
Change History
Giving Account Access Levels
Display Planner
Ad Preview & Diagnosis
My Client Center
Session 40 Campaign Reporting 2
Ad Clicks Reporting
Performance Reporting
CPC Reporting
Conversion Reporting
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Session 41 Linkedin Advertising 2
What is Linkedin advertising?
Creating first ad on Linkedin
Setting Campaign & Optimization
Create Conversion Code
Types of Linkedin Advertising
LinkedIn New Feeds Advertising
LinkedIn Message Advertising
Traffic & Leads Generation
Billing & Reporting
Session 42 Twitter Advertising 2
Twitter Advertising
Types of Twitter Advertising
Creating first od on Twitter
Setting Campaign & Optimization
Create Conversion Code
Twitter App Advertising
Twitter Video Advertising
Leads & Traffic Advertising
Increase Followers
Session 43 Facebook Advertising 2
Understanding Facebook Marketing
Types of Facebook Advertising
Creating first ad on Facebook
Setting Campaign & Optimization
Create Pixel Codes for Converstions
Instagram Marketing
Facebook Power Editor
Traffic & Leads Generation
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Session 44, 45 & 46 Affiliate Marketing 4
What is Affiliate Marketing
Cost for Sale (CPA)
Cost per Leads (CPL)
Cost per Click (CPC)
Affiliate Marketing Basics
Introduction to Publishers
How to be Successful Publisher
How to Manage Affiliate Network Accounts?
Introduction to top Affiliate Network
How to choose an Suitable Affilaite
How to make money via Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate Marketing Success Stories
Publishers Case Studies
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Session 47 E-Commerce Site Marketing 2
Understanding Ecommerce Marketing
Benifits of Ecommerce marketing
Different Types of E-Commerce Marketing
E-Commerce in India
How to promote E-Commerce Websites
How to use affiliate marketing to promote your e-commerce business website
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Session 48 & 49 Email Marketing 4
Introduction To Email Marketing
Email & Conversatation
Creating & HTML Email
Types of Email Marketing
Landing Page Optimization
How to Create a Mailing List
How to Observe Spam Words
Top Email marketing software and Online tools
How to setup auto responders
How to land in inbox instead of spam folders
Improve ROI by the help of A/B testing
Metrics & Measurement
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Session 50-54 Google AdSense 8
What is Ad Sense
Benifits of Google Adsense
How to get Website approval for Adsense
Guidelines of Google Adsense
Using Google Adsense account interface for YouTube & website
Types of ads and category
How to place ads category
How to place ads code on website & blog pages
Optimize and manage Google Adsense account
How to allow or disallow ads on blog / website
How to add many websites in one Adsense account
How to create performance reports
When to Get money from Google Adsense account
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Session 55 & 56 4
What is blogger
Benifits of Blogging
How to create Blog on Wordpress & other websites
How to create a New Post
How to create a Page
Earn Money from Blogging
How to customize and manage settings
How to promote blog website
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Understanding Google Analytics
Google Analytics Account Structure
Setup an Google Analytics account for website or apps
Guideline of Google Analytics
How to add the GA code on a website / app
Understanding Real Type Visitors
Tracking of audiance in GA
Tracking the traffic source in GA
Tracking Traffic for Page Visitors
Understanding Goal & Conversion
Difference between Bounce Rate and Exit Rate
Techniques to reduce bounce rates
How to integrate Adwords in analytics Account
Understanding the Marketing Needs
Prepration for Interviews
Improve Personality Development
How to Crack the Interview
How to be a successful freelancer
How to implement DM texhniques in your business


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